Bestowal Dialogue
Only Half-Remembered
"I will bring you to my friend, but do not disturb his rest. My song keeps him at peace."
You have earned the trust of Gultháva, the Maiden of the Gladden, and she has brought you into Kidzul-kâlah with the hope that you will be a comfort to her friend.
Objective 1
The Maiden of the Gladden is inside Kidzul-kâlah.
- Gultháva: 'I have not allowed anyone to see my friend for many years. Perhaps your visit will be a comfort to him.'
Objective 2
The Maiden of the Gladden is inside Kidzul-kâlah.
- Gultháva says, "Sometimes creatures come to these ruins."
- Gultháva says, "I ensure they do not enter the chamber where my friend is kept."
- Gultháva says, "But you are different, yes?"
- Gultháva says, "A cage? No, this is not a cage."
- Gultháva says, "These bars are for my friend's protection!"
- Gultháva says, "He has been troubled of late. I hope you will be able to ease his mind."
- Gultháva says, "Let Gultháva's curtain ebb!"
- Gultháva says, "The chamber lies ahead. Be not afraid."
Objective 3
- Make your way through the torrential passage to the chamber where Gultháva keeps her friend
Gultháva has released the enchantment that sealed the chamber in which her friend resides, deep within Kidzul-kâlah.
- A sensation of peaceful slumber fills the grotto
Objective 4
- Climb one of the paths up to the centre of the grotto
Smooth paths of crushed stones climb to a rocky platform in the centre of the odd chamber.
- The shade is reminiscent of Vágari, but possesses none of the Wanderer's dread
Objective 5
In appearance, Gultháva's friend puts you in mind of Vágari the Wanderer, but whereas that shade filled you with a sense of dread, this one does not.
- Gultháva's Friend:: 'Who... are you? Have you come to let me out? I have been here... for a long time.'
- The shade looks around the grotto with evident confusion.
- 'I think I meant to leave, but whenever I set my mind to it I am overcome by such drowsiness. I should ask Gultháva about it.....'
Objective 6
- Listen to Gultháva's friend
In appearance, Gultháva's friend puts you in mind of Vágari the Wanderer, but whereas that shade filled you with a sense of dread, this one does not.
- Gultháva's Friend says, "My mind is terribly confused, stranger."
- Gultháva's Friend says, "I have had such terrible dreams of late."
- Gultháva's Friend says, "Was there a war? I think there was war."
- Gultháva's Friend says, "But I know Gultháva wishes to keep me safe."
- Gultháva's Friend says, "Whenever I am troubled, she sings a song of slumbering..."
- Gultháva's Friend says, "...and I forget."
- Gultháva's Friend says, "Where is she?"
- A piercing scream shatters the stillness!
- Gultháva's Friend says, "...Gultháva?"
Objective 7
- Hurry back down the torrential passage and find Gultháva
A piercing scream shattered the stillness! Has something happened to Gultháva?
- Visitors unlooked-for have come to Kidzul-kâlah!
- Gultháva says, "Intruders! Interlopers! Invaders!"
- Gandalf says, "There you are, <name>."
Objective 8
- Talk to Elrond in the torrential passage
Gandalf the Wizard and the Elf-lords Elrond and Glorfindel have come to the flooded passages of Kidzul-kâlah.
- Elrond: 'I have spent some time in discussion with Gandalf, and he persuaded me to join him as he unravels this mystery. I do not believe we will find that for which he hopes, but I have brought the sceptre of Annúminas with me at his request.
- 'The keeper of this place sought to bar our passage. I grieve to cause her such pain, but we must know what she has sealed within Kidzul-kâlah.'
Objective 9
- Stand with Elrond as he speaks with Gultháva
Gandalf the Wizard and the Elf-lords Elrond and Glorfindel have come to the flooded passages of Kidzul-kâlah.
- Elrond says, "We mean you no harm."
- Elrond says, "A darkness has settled upon these lands. Can you speak of it?"
- Gultháva says, "It means to harm my friend!"
- Gultháva says, "I will not allow it!"
- Glorfindel says, "She seems pleasant enough."
- Gandalf says, "Lead the way, <name>. Let us see what Gultháva has been hiding here."
Objective 10
- Lead Gandalf and the Elves to Gultháva's friend
Gandalf, Elrond, and Glorfindel have entered Kidzul-kâlah and wants you to lead them to Gultháva's friend.
- Elrond says, "There is some enchantment upon this grotto. I can feel it."
- Gultháva's Friend says, "What have you done to Gultháva?"
- Gandalf says, "Are you so concerned for your jailer?"
- Gultháva's Friend says, "She is my friend. She is my only friend."
- Elrond says, "Turn your face to me, shade."
- Elrond says, "Can it be?"
- Gultháva says, "Intruders! Invaders! Leave us in peace!"
- Glorfindel says, "We do not wish to cause you distress, spirit."
- Gandalf says, "It is time, Lord Elrond."
- Gandalf says, "Make your test!"
- Elrond says, "Do you know what this is?"
- Gultháva's Friend says, "I do not. I have never..."
- Gultháva's Friend says, "I am... so tired..."
- Gandalf says, "Release him from this slumber, Gultháva!"
- Gultháva says, "He was in such pain when I found him."
- Gultháva says, "Only I can ease his torment!"
- Elrond says, "Listen to me, shade."
- Elrond says, "You know what I bear, and you know to whom it belonged."
- Gultháva's Friend says, "I... do not..."
- Elrond says, "I think you do. Gultháva seeks to hide it from you."
- Gultháva says, "Let him forget! Let him forget!"
- Glorfindel says, "This is not a mercy to him, Gultháva."
- Elrond says, "What do I carry, shade?"
- Elrond says, "Name it, and I will speak your own name."
- Gultháva's Friend says, "It is... the sceptre of..."
- Gultháva's Friend says, "My father."
- Elrond says, "I name you Isildur, eldest son of Elendil, once the High King of Arnor and Gondor!"
- Shade of Isildur says, "I... I remember..."
Objective 11
Gultháva's friend has been revealed to be the shade of Isildur, long kept imprisoned in a secret grotto behind Kidzul-kâlah.
- Shade of Isildur: 'I see the faces of those I knew... but that was so long ago. There was war, and it seemed it would never end. And yet it did... at least there was an ending, but...
- 'Peace? No... it did not last. I remember... I remember...
- 'I remember death! Treachery and death! I swam... there was an island in the river... an island...'
Objective 12
- Remain alert in the secret grotto
Gultháva's friend has been revealed to be the shade of Isildur, long kept imprisoned in a secret grotto behind Kidzul-kâlah.
- Gultháva says, "He is gone... you have taken him from me..."
- Glorfindel says, "He was a man, Gultháva. Just a man."
- Glorfindel says, "You cannot give him the rest he needs."
Objective 13
- Talk to Gultháva in her secret grotto
Gultháva mourns the disappearance of her friend, the shade she held captive for so long.
- Gultháva: 'You have done me a cruelty! In return I demand this of you: harm him not! If you can bring him peace, I charge you with the accomplishment of it!
- 'There are those who seek to do him ill: forces of evil, servants of a powerful darkness. I brought him here to give him safety from them, and I sang my slumbering song so he might find rest. I knew it could not last, and I wept, but I wanted only to keep him safe. That is all I ever wanted.
- 'Beware his foes, cruel stranger. A shade stalks among the fetid pools, and dread follows in his train; he seeks my friend, and I have long kept him away. Now that you have broken my protections, you must take up the mantle in his defence. If you should fail, my wrath shall be as the deluge, and will wash you away in the torrent!'
Completed: Instance: Only Half-Remembered
- Elrond: 'Gandalf's suspicion proved correct, <name>. I did not think it could be so, but when I beheld him with my own eyes I could not deny it. The shade of Isildur remained after his death, and Gultháva kept him hidden from friend and foe alike. But what can have bound him here beyond the span of his life? There is more to learn of this matter.
- 'He spoke of an island in the river. He must have returned to Tol Send. Go there and speak with him, and then return to the Beorninghús with what you have learned.'